CAN CH Westpointe's Little Richard
Richie at 18 months taken the day
he won his Championship
OFA: Hips Good
Full Thyroid Panel: Good
Eyes: Good
SIRE: CH Westpointe's
Giovanni |
Trademark's Silhouette |
The cute little “Teddy Bear” that came to live with us is
growing to be a “Handsome Young Man” with his head held high and a
“Look at Me” attitude. He is the house clown who plays
with such enthusiasm that you can’t help but laugh.
As you follow Richie’s lineage you will find many of the Sheltie
“Greats” and we are hoping he will follow in their paths.
Thank you to Linda Poirier for letting us adopt this wonderful boy.
Pedigree of Westpointe's
Little Richard DOB: Nov.20/06
BPIG CH Westpointe's
Giovanni - 'Vanni' |
AM/CAN/INT CH Westpointe's Back Alley Rhapsody, ROMC |
CH Bonnyville Fairfax
Nighthawk, ROMC |
CH Fairfax Westpointe's
Solitaire |
AM/CAN CH Serenity
Apple Acre Filligree |
AM CH Apple Acres Mardi
Gras |
Act I Rosalie |
Trademark's Silhouette
- 'Darci' |
AM/CAN/INT CH Westpointe's Back Alley Rhapsody, ROMC |
CH Bonnyville Fairfax
Nighthawk, ROMC |
CH Fairfax Westpointe's
Solitaire |
CH Trademark
Tantalizing |
AM/CAN CH Krentel
Aberdale Silversmith, ROMC |
Trademark's Madam
Butterfly |
Richie, entered
in his first show in Campbell River under Honorable Judge, Mrs.
Terry Carter, was awarded Winners Dog and Best of Opposite Sex. |
AND GROUP THIRD : May 2008 , Richie finishes in
style under the Honorable Judge Darla Heck. Not only did
he complete his Championship and win Best of Breed but he went on to
the Herding Group ring and was awarded a Group Third, entirely owner
handled. |
8 weeks of age
- 4 months of age

Handsome boy at 8
months of age |
CAN CH Westpointe's
Little Richard |
