In Memory
There aren't many dogs like you, my friend.
You're always at my side.
Your eyes are a window to catch a glimps eof a gentle soul inside.
My furry friend, for you my heartis always open wide.
When I am down you snuggle close and ease my troubled mind.
A game of catch a hearty walk,Soon melts the daily grind.
My furry friend, a better friend I know I'll never find.
You're faithful, patient, honest, true.
My furry friend, I cherish you!
by Karen Burniston |


"Ginger" August 23, 2009 - June 13th.2022
Can.Ch. Ramora's Spice of Life
Ginger, our "House Princess", always carried herself with such style and pride we nicknamed her "Miss Prissy".
Such a gentle and loving girl just like her mom.
One of the very special ones in my heart.. Never be another like her.

"Lady Bug" May 5th. 2009 - June 13th. 2022
Can,Ch, Conspirito Lady Luck O'Ramora
Lady Bug, What a wonderful sweet little BUG you were. A true Beautiful example of the Sheltie Breed!
We will always miss your happy ways and lovely face.


FOR TONTO 1992-2006
Though he was not a champion in the show rings, to us, Tonto was the best.
Our wonderful big boy. Always in our hearts. |
"Miss Rose" March 2013 - June 2018.
Ramora's Sweet Irish Rose
Five years is just not anywhere near enough time! Your beautiful brown eyes full of love and your quirky little ways, you are missed so much! |

"Shilo" December 2004 - August 2018
Sunnygate's Manhattan Symphony, HIC, CGN, CD, SMADC, SMSDC, SAGDC, AG.N, AG.NJ, Ag.IJ
My amazing agility and obedience partner.
We had more fun and bonding than I thought possible between devoted dog and her person. We had a wonderful journey together my beautiful blue friend. |
"Koop" October 2005 - May 2017
CAN CH Sunnygate's Cafe Mocha, CGN
Little power mite of just over 13 inches packed full of happiness, love and brilliance. Playing ball was your obsession if we weren't running with it we were sitting on the floor rolling it back and forth, you would shove it back to me with that sweet little nose and this game could go on for ever.. Kooper you were and always will be my heart dog. |
"Betty" October 2006 - September 2018
Ramora's Betty Boop
No other has the soft, sweet, patient nature as you did Boo Boo. Our first Ramora puppy .The house Matriarch , great , great, great grand dam. I see your soft beautiful face and eyes in the wonderful legacy you left behind. |
" Richie" November 2006 - August 2018
CAN CH Westpointe's Little Richard
Richie Richie personality plus, who laughed and smiled. You were such a proud happy boy and loved to be told you were a "Pretty Boy" this always made you stand tall and proud and give a happy smile. I miss you coming for your back scratch every morning and my reward was watching you do your happy wiggle and an open mouth laugh. Your memory will live on in your kids and in my heart forever. You stole my heart when I met you as a baby and I miss you every day. |